
Showing posts from August, 2024

What have you done with my chords Ma

 In July 2024 Artiphon released new firmware and a new version of the Connect app for the Chorda and Orba 2. This had a big effect on Chord presets and this was a big blow to me. I will try to explain it and what I have been trying to do to mitigate the damage it did to my use of the Orba 2 and the Chorda. The most obvious difference was that all chord presets by default play their standard chord set. Other chord sets defined in a preset are ignored and are no longer used. The standard set is OK, but it is restrictive and rather plain - but I could get round that by creating my own chord sets - I made a lot of them. That has now been stolen from us and instead the app only allows us two alternatives, the pentatonic chord set, again OK but even more restricted, and the chromatic set which bewilders me as I can find no rational to the choice (and placing) of the chords included, there's not even a basic set of chords for the chosen root key in there. (Another change was that the Chor