A couple of test presets for the Chorda

 I have been planning the things I want to test when I can finally get my hands on a Chorda (Heaven  knows when that might be!)

So in the meantime someone might care to try out these two - on the condition you tell me if they work (or not). They can be tweaked and can easily be deleted if you don't want to keep them. Obviously, I haven't been able to test them myself yet.

Zen-CCH-Test uses the Artiphon Rain Guitar samples, which should be on your Chorda already (but check first). It is diatonic and uses pitch bend to allow chromatics to be played on the pads - flat on a table the true notes are near you, semitones higher fall beyond the LED lights.

OrbaChords-CCH-Test is synth based and has an extended set of chords - you should really notice this on pads 9 to 12. It also uses pitch bend. In this case it shifts chords up a fifth, which extends the number of chords available and I have found it useable and rather cool on the Orba 2.

Both will need to have pitch bend set to 100% in the settings page - otherwise the pitch bend isn't correct  (it is possible to get round this but it means tweaking the presets).

Please note that that midi output will only send the note codes of the "true" notes, but will send the pitch bend data - your DAW or external midi device might need settings adjusted for these to work properly. (I don't do things like that myself, so I can't advise on that.)

You should only need to copy the .artpreset files into the Lead and Chord folders respectively (User, not Public) then connect your Chorda to the app to load them. (If you don't know where that is, refer to the notes I posted previously.)



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