A note about chord presets on the Chorda

 I have noticed a couple of comments about some chords on the Chorda seem to play in a different octave than would be expected.

The Orba 2 uses sets of chord voicing defined for each of the eight pads. These sets are also used for the twelve pads of the Chorda. The issue above is, I think, a result of using of these eight pad chord sets in presets and how the Chorda handles the extra pads.

I still don't have a Chorda yet, so I can't test this, but I think it is possible to create modified presets with twelve chord sets which can solve this issue. Presets made like this should also work on the Orba 2, although the results may not be ideal for it, and the extra chords would not be accessible on the Orba 2, but with some thought they could be made good for both. Time may tell.

Making chord sets for the Orba 2 takes some effort and twelve chord sets more so. Since those who have both an Orba 2 and a Chorda connecting to the same computer (or tablet) will have the same set of presets for both devices so using the established chord sets makes sense. It's just not ideal.


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