The Chorda and the Orba 2

 Artiphon and the music press seem to have compared the Chorda to the Instrument 1 rather than the Orba 2.

In my opinion the Chorda is much more a glorified version of the Orba 2 and less like the Instrument 1.

As far as I can tell, apart from the arpeggiator bridge and the extra pads the Chorda functions pretty much the same as the Orba 2. I suspect most of what will work on the Orba 2 will work on the Chorda. Since the deliveries of Chordas has been bodged I don't have a Chorda to test things on one - I can only guess. (It now looks as if it may be as much as a month or more before I will be able to.)

The published manual for the Chorda at this time looks to me incomplete. Some questions being raised in the forums, Discord etc. can be answered by looking at the Orba 2 manual and the Orba 2 hacking knowledge thread, and here.

The document I have posted tries to put what was useful in the hacking thread and my own learning into one place. I have already identified things I need to do to improve it, but I will welcome constructive comments, and I would also be glad to hear anything about what of this works, or doesn't, on the Chorda.

But if you are searching for help with the Chorda - the Orba 2 stuff may well answer some questions.


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