Chords for the Chorda
This is about ten chord presets for the Chorda. Before you get too excited they all use the same sounds - a sample set for a section of strings. I didn't like the stringed instrument sounds on the Orba or Chorda so I have tried to get something I prefer. This is, I think, a good albeit synthy string sound. You can get an idea how it sounds at my previous post "A little thing you can do with Chorda Chords" although I have tweaked it a bit to sound and play better now.
Since the sound "CelloBlue" sample set was working well I decided to try some things with chords and here we have the results.
But I should explain what's there.
BlueString-ST simply uses the Artiphon standard chord set - (ST for standard)
Since I like flattened sevenths in both scales and chords BlueString-ST-f7 has one on pad 7. (f7 for flattened 7th).
Adding Ext to the name means I used a pitch-bend trick so that you can get both the expected chord and one pitch-bent up a 5th on each pad.
LW means these are a custom chord set that's a bit moodier than the standard set.
I have been thinking about how to get a larger range of chords in one preset. BlueString-ST-2 was a simple way of doing it. Play at the top of the pads (far side) you get the expected chord, at the bottom (near side) a chord a whole tone lower - pitch-bend again.
Finally, the three TT presets use the whole tone pitch-bend trick but with chords chosen to get the best out of them as I could. (TT for two Tones.) The first seven pads are, in the key of C:
Cmajor, Emajor, Eminor, G7, Gmajor, Bminor and B7.
Crazy, you're thinking but when we add the chords we get from the pitch-bend trick it comes together:
Bbmajor, Dmajor, Dminor, F7, Fmajor, Aminor, and A7.
The 8th pad (the Chorda only uses 8 chord settings the same as the Orba, it just repeats chords an octave higher for the rest) left me in a quandary, so I made three versions using Gmajor 1st inversion, Amajor also first inversion and Bb major respectively, but with Bb we get an Ab major chord of course.
Which of these anyone will want, or think useable, I don't know but you're are welcome to try. You will only need to load the samples once (put them in your SamplePools folder) after that you only need to add the artipreset file and, if you want it, the image in the Images folder. Images don't always seem to work but you might as well try. If you don't like any of them - delete them.
As ever, feedback would be welcome.
I should have mentioned that the whole tone shifts don't work with minor scales. The 5th shifts though can be useful in the minor scales. Also I meant to remind you that the device should be set to 100% pitch-bend to get them to work properly.